Developer Resources
Analyzing Data
If you are interested in analyzing data that was collected with SmartSHARK, e.g., by using one of our releases, you find everything you need to get started in our usage examples repository.
Creating Plugins
If you are interested in creating new plugin for SmartSHARK, you may work through our the tutorials and use our minimal working examples.
- Tutorial and minimal working example for Python.
- Tutorial and minimal working example for Java.
You can also just look at the code of the existing plugins and adopt them as required for your purposes.
Issue Tracking
SmartSHARK uses GitHub Issues for the tracking of feature requests and bugs. An overview of all open issues can be found here.
To report bugs of request new features, please follow these guidelines.
- Issues regarding a specific plug-in should be added in the issue tracker of the plug-in repository. For example, issues regarding the vcsSHARK should be added here.
- Issues regarding that cannot be assigned to a plug-in should be added to the issue tracker of the homepage. For example, issues that request a new plug-in or issues related to the contents of the homepage.