Source code for pycoshark.mongomodels

from mongoengine import Document, StringField, ListField, DateTimeField, IntField, BooleanField, ObjectIdField, \
    DictField, DynamicField, LongField, EmbeddedDocument, EmbeddedDocumentField, FileField, FloatField
import hashlib

[docs]class Refactoring(Document): """ Refactoring Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` :property ce_state: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) The code entity state of changed enteties in the current commit. :property commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Commit` id in which this refactoring occured :property description: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) The description of the refactoring provided by RefDiff. :property parent_commit_ce_states: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`)) The code entity states of changed enteties in the parent commits. :property type: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) Name of the refactoring type. :property detection_tool: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) The refactoring detection tool, e.g., refdiff or rminer. :property hunks: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`)) The hunks that were detected. """ # PK: _id ce_state = DictField() commit_id = ObjectIdField() description = StringField() parent_commit_ce_states = ListField(DictField()) type = StringField() detection_tool = StringField() hunks = ListField(DictField())
[docs]class Identity(Document): meta = { 'indexes': [ '#id', ], 'shard_key': ('id', ), } people = ListField(ObjectIdField())
[docs]class TravisJob(Document): meta = { 'indexes': [ 'build_id' ], 'shard_key': ('tr_id',), } tr_id = IntField(unique=True) build_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) allow_failure = BooleanField(required=True) number = StringField(required=True) state = StringField(max_length=8, required=True) started_at = DateTimeField() finished_at = DateTimeField() stages = ListField(StringField()) metrics = DictField() config = DictField() job_log = StringField() def __repr__(self): return "<TravisJob allow_failure:%s number:%s state:%s started_at:%s finished_at:%s stages:%s metrics:%s " \ "config:%s>" % \ (self.allow_failure, self.number, self.state, self.started_at, self.finished_at, self.stages, self.metrics, self.config)
[docs]class TravisBuild(Document): meta = { 'indexes': [ 'number', ('vcs_system_id', 'number'), 'tr_id' ], 'shard_key': ('tr_id',), } tr_id = IntField(unique=True) vcs_system_id = ObjectIdField() commit_id = ObjectIdField() number = IntField(required=True) state = StringField(max_length=8, required=True) duration = LongField(default=None) event_type = StringField(max_length=15, required=True) pr_number = IntField() started_at = DateTimeField(default=None) finished_at = DateTimeField(default=None) stages = ListField(StringField()) def __repr__(self): return "<TravisBuild vcs_system_id:%s commit_id:%s number:%s duration:%s event_type:%s " \ "pr_number:%s started_at:%s finished_at:%s stages:%s>" % \ (self.vcs_system_id, self.commit_id, self.number, self.duration, self.event_type, self.pr_number, self.started_at, self.finished_at, self.stages)
[docs]class Project(Document): """ Project class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: #name ShardKey: name :property name: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) name of the project """ meta = { 'indexes': [ '#name' ], 'shard_key': ('name', ), } # PK: name # Shard Key: hashed name name = StringField(max_length=200, required=True, unique=True)
[docs]class MailingList(Document): """ MailingList class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: #name ShardKey: name :property project_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Project` id id to which the mailing list belongs :property name: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) name of the mailing list :property last_updated: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date when the data of the mailing list was last updated in the database """ meta = { 'indexes': [ '#name' ], 'shard_key': ('name', ), } # PK: name # Shard Key: hashed name project_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) name = StringField(required=True) last_updated = DateTimeField()
[docs]class Message(Document): """ Message class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: message_id ShardKey: message_id, mailing_list_id :property message_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) id of the message (worldwide unique) :property mailing_list_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.MailingList` to which the message belongs :property reference_ids: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`)) id to messages that are referenced by this message :property in_reply_to_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of a message to which this message is a reply :property from_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of a person :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` from which this message is :property to_ids: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`)) ids of persons :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` to which this message was sent :property cc_ids: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`)) ids of persons :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` to which this message was sent (cc) :property subject: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) subject of the message :property body: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) message text :property date: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date when the message was sent :property patches: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`)) if patches were applied to the message """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'message_id' ], 'shard_key': ('message_id', 'mailing_list_id'), } # PK: message_id # Shard Key: message_id, mailing_list_id message_id = StringField(required=True, unique_with=['mailing_list_id']) mailing_list_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) reference_ids = ListField(ObjectIdField()) in_reply_to_id = ObjectIdField() from_id = ObjectIdField() to_ids = ListField(ObjectIdField()) cc_ids = ListField(ObjectIdField()) subject = StringField() body = StringField() date = DateTimeField() patches = ListField(StringField())
[docs]class PullRequestSystem(Document): """ PullRequestSystem class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: #url ShardKey: url :property project_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Project` id to which the pull request system belongs :property url: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) url to the pull request system :property last_updated: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date when the data of the pull request system was last updated in the database """ meta = { 'indexes': [ '#url' ], 'shard_key': ('url', ), } project_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) url = StringField(required=True) last_updated = DateTimeField()
[docs]class PullRequest(Document): """ PullRequest class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: pull_request_system_id ShardKey: external_id, pull_request_system_id :property pull_request_system_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequestSystem` id of the system to which the pull request belongs :property external_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) number of the pull request :property title: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) title of the pull request :property description: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) description of the pull request :property is_draft (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.BooleanField`) true if this pull request is a draft :property is_locked (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.BooleanField`) true if this pull request is locked :property lock_reason: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) reason for the locking :property author_association: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) github author association, e.g., owner, NONE, collaborator :property created_at: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date, when this pr was created :property updated_at: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date, when this pr was updated :property merged_at: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date, when this pr was merged :property merge_commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Commit` :property creator_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` author of the pr :property assignee_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` assignee of the pr :property linked_user_ids: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of :class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField` of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People`) list of linked user ids :property requested_reviewer_ids: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of :class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField` of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People`) list of requested reviewer ids :property state: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) state of the pr :property labels: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of :class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField` list of labels for this pr :property source_repo_url: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) source repository of this pr, can be a fork :property source_branch: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) source branch of this pr :property source_commit_sha: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) source commit sha of this pr :property source_commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Commit` commit id if available in local VCSSystem :property target_repo_url: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) target repository of this pr, should be our VCSSystem :property target_branch: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) target branch of this pr :property target_commit_sha: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) target commit sha of this pr :property target_commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Commit` commit id if available in local VCSSystem """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'pull_request_system_id' ], 'shard_key': ('external_id', 'pull_request_system_id'), } pull_request_system_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) external_id = StringField(unique_with=['pull_request_system_id']) title = StringField() description = StringField() is_draft = BooleanField() is_locked = BooleanField() lock_reason = StringField() author_association = StringField() created_at = DateTimeField() updated_at = DateTimeField() merged_at = DateTimeField() merge_commit_id = ObjectIdField() creator_id = ObjectIdField() assignee_id = ObjectIdField() linked_user_ids = ListField(ObjectIdField()) requested_reviewer_ids = ListField(ObjectIdField()) state = StringField() labels = ListField(StringField()) source_repo_url = StringField() source_branch = StringField() source_commit_sha = StringField() source_commit_id = ObjectIdField() target_repo_url = StringField() target_branch = StringField() target_commit_sha = StringField() target_commit_id = ObjectIdField()
[docs]class PullRequestReview(Document): """ PullRequestReview class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: pull_request_id ShardKey: external_id, pull_request_id :property pull_request_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequest` id to which the pull request review belongs :property external_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) number of the review :property state: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) state of the pull request review :property description: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) body of the pull request review :property creator_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` author of review :property submitted_at: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date, when this review was submitted :property author_association: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) github author association, e.g., owner, NONE, collaborator :property commit_sha: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) commit sha :property pull_request_commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequestCommit` pull request commit id (if available) """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'pull_request_id' ], 'shard_key': ('external_id', 'pull_request_id'), } pull_request_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) external_id = StringField(unique_with=['pull_request_id']) state = StringField() description = StringField() creator_id = ObjectIdField() submitted_at = DateTimeField() author_association = StringField() commit_sha = StringField() pull_request_commit_id = ObjectIdField()
[docs]class PullRequestReviewComment(Document): """ PullRequestReviewComment class. These are comments on pull requests. They link to PullRequestCommits if they are available. The path and diff_hunk can be the same as a PullRequestFile, however that is not always the case as PullRequestFile are only the currently active PullRequestFiles and the PullRequestReviewComment may reference an older commit. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: pull_request_review_id ShardKey: external_id, pull_request_review_id :property pull_request_review_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequestReview` id to which the pull request review comment belongs :property external_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) number of the review comment :property comment: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) text of the comment :property author_association: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) github author association, e.g., owner, NONE, collaborator :property in_reply_to_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequestReviewComment` id which the pull request review comment replies to (if any) :property creator_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` author of comment :property created_at: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date, when this comment was created :property updated_at: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date, when this comment was updated :property path: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) file which this comment refers to :property diff_hunk: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) diff which this comment refers to :property position: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) position in the file this comment refers to :property original_position: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) original position in the file this comment refers to (deleted line instead of added line) :property commit_sha: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) commit sha :property original_commit_sha: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) parent commit sha :property pull_request_commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequestCommit` pull request commit id (if available) :property original_pull_request_commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequestCommit` pull request commit id (if available) :property start_line: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) position in the file this comment refers to (new) :property original_start_line: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) position in the file this comment refers to (new) :property start_side: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) position in the diff editor LEFT/RIGHT for deleted or added :property line: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) position in the file this comment refers to (new) :property original_line: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) position in the file this comment refers to (new) :property side: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) position in the diff editor LEFT/RIGHT for deleted or added """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'pull_request_review_id' ], 'shard_key': ('external_id', 'pull_request_review_id'), } pull_request_review_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) external_id = StringField(unique_with=['pull_request_review_id']) comment = StringField() author_association = StringField() in_reply_to_id = ObjectIdField() # we assume that this only refers to other PullRequestReviewComments creator_id = ObjectIdField() created_at = DateTimeField() updated_at = DateTimeField() path = StringField() # file name, not necessarily a link to PullRequestFile diff_hunk = StringField() # unified diff position = IntField() original_position = IntField() commit_sha = StringField() original_commit_sha = StringField() pull_request_commit_id = ObjectIdField() original_pull_request_commit_id = ObjectIdField() start_line = IntField() original_start_line = IntField() start_side = StringField() line = IntField() original_line = IntField() side = StringField()
[docs]class PullRequestComment(Document): """ PullRequestComment class. These comments are fetched via the issues api endpoint for github. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: pull_request_id ShardKey: external_id, pull_request_id :property pull_request_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequest` id to which the pull request commit belongs :property external_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) number of the comment :property created_at: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date, when this comment was created :property updated_at: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date, when this comment was updated :property author_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` author of commit :property comment: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) text of the comment :property author_association: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) github author association, e.g., owner, NONE, collaborator """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'pull_request_id' ], 'shard_key': ('external_id', 'pull_request_id'), } pull_request_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) external_id = StringField(unique_with=['pull_request_id']) created_at = DateTimeField() updated_at = DateTimeField() author_id = ObjectIdField() comment = StringField() author_association = StringField()
[docs]class PullRequestEvent(Document): """ PullRequestEvent class. These events are fetched via the issues api endpoint for github. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: pull_request_id ShardKey: external_id, pull_request_id :property pull_request_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequest` id to which the pull request commit belongs :property external_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) number of the event :property created_at: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date, when this event was created :property author_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` author of commit :property commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Commit` id to which the pull request event links, only if it is in our repository :property commit_sha: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) commit_sha of the commit :property commit_repo_url: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) url of the repository of the commit :property event_type: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) event type name :property additional_data: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) additional data from the backend not common for all event types """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'pull_request_id', ], 'shard_key': ('external_id', 'pull_request_id'), } pull_request_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) external_id = StringField(unique_with=['pull_request_id']) created_at = DateTimeField() author_id = ObjectIdField() commit_id = ObjectIdField() commit_sha = StringField() commit_repo_url = StringField() event_type = StringField() additional_data = DictField()
[docs]class PullRequestCommit(Document): """ PullRequestCommit class. We have this extra class because not every PullRequestCommit is a Commit in our collection. Sometimes, the source of the PullRequestCommit is the source repository of the pull request, i.e. a fork of our VCSSystem. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: pull_request_id ShardKey: commit_sha, pull_request_id :property pull_request_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequest` id to which the pull request commit belongs :property author_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` author of commit :property committer_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` committer of commit :property message: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) commit message :property commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Commit` id to which the pull request commit links, only if it is in our repository :property commit_sha: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) commit_sha of the commit, could be the hash from the source repo of the pull request :property commit_repo_url: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) url of the repository of the commit :property parents: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`)) list of parents (revision hashes) of this commit """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'pull_request_id', ], 'shard_key': ('commit_sha', 'pull_request_id'), } pull_request_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) author_id = ObjectIdField() committer_id = ObjectIdField() message = StringField() commit_id = ObjectIdField() commit_sha = StringField(required=True, unique_with=['pull_request_id']) commit_repo_url = StringField() parents = ListField(StringField())
[docs]class PullRequestFile(Document): """ PullRequestFile class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` The current set of Files associated with the pull request. The PullRequestReviewComment has its own path for a file, however this may link to an older file no longer present in the current HEAD of the pull request. Index: pull_request_id ShardKey: path, sha, pull_request_id :property pull_request_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequest` id to which the pull request file belongs :property sha: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) sha hash, maybe file hash (only present if a file is changed, not for changing rights) :property path: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) filename :property status: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) status (e.g., added) :property additions: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) added lines :property deletions: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) deleted lines :property changes: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) changed lines :property patch: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) diff hunk of the change """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'pull_request_id', ], 'shard_key': ('path', 'pull_request_id'), } pull_request_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) sha = StringField() # this is not a sha of PullRequestCommit path = StringField(required=True) status = StringField() additions = IntField() deletions = IntField() changes = IntField() patch = StringField()
[docs]class IssueSystem(Document): """ IssueSystem class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: #url ShardKey: url :property project_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Project` id to which the issue system belongs :property url: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) url to the issue system :property last_updated: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date when the data of the mailing list was last updated in the database """ meta = { 'indexes': [ '#url' ], 'shard_key': ('url', ), } # PK: url # Shard Key: hashed url project_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) url = StringField(required=True) last_updated = DateTimeField()
[docs]class Issue(Document): """ Issue class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: external_id, issue_system_id ShardKey: external_id, issue_system_id :property external_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) id that was assigned from the issue system to this issue :property issue_system_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.IssueSystem` to which this issue belongs :property title: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) title of the issue :property desc: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) description of the issue :property created_at: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date, when this issue was created :property updated_at: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date, when this issue was last updated :property creator_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` document which created this issue :property reporter_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` document which reported this issue :property issue_type: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) type of the issue :property priority: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) priority of the issue :property status: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) status of the issue :property affects_versions: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`)) list of affected versions by this issue :property components: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`)) list, which componenets are affected :property labels: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`)) list of labels for this issue :property issue_type_manual: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) for manual issue types for this issue, contains information about the issue_type and the author, the author is the key and the issue_type is the value :property issue_type_verified: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) verified issue_type of the issue; source is manual issue types :property resolution: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) resolution for this issue :property fix_versions: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`)) list of versions on which this issue is fixed :property assignee_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` document to which this issue was assigned :property issue_links: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`)) to which this issue is linked :property parent_issue_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Issue` document that is the parent of this issue :property original_time_estimate: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) estimated time to solve this issue :property environment: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) environment that is affected by this issue :property platform: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) platform that is affected by this issue :property is_pull_request: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.BoleanField`) true if this issue is a pull request, Github issues can be pull requests """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'issue_system_id' ], 'shard_key': ('external_id', 'issue_system_id'), } # PK: external_id, issue_system_id # Shard Key: external_id, issue_system_id external_id = StringField(unique_with=['issue_system_id']) issue_system_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) title = StringField() desc = StringField() created_at = DateTimeField() updated_at = DateTimeField() creator_id = ObjectIdField() reporter_id = ObjectIdField() issue_type = StringField() priority = StringField() status = StringField() affects_versions = ListField(StringField()) components = ListField(StringField()) labels = ListField(StringField()) issue_type_manual = DictField() issue_type_verified = StringField() resolution = StringField() fix_versions = ListField(StringField()) assignee_id = ObjectIdField() issue_links = ListField(DictField()) parent_issue_id = ObjectIdField() original_time_estimate = IntField() environment = StringField() platform = StringField() is_pull_request = BooleanField(default=False) def __str__(self): return "System_id: %s, issue_system_id: %s, title: %s, desc: %s, created_at: %s, updated_at: %s, issue_type: %s," \ " priority: %s, affects_versions: %s, components: %s, labels: %s, resolution: %s, fix_versions: %s," \ "assignee: %s, issue_links: %s, status: %s, time_estimate: %s, environment: %s, creator: %s, " \ "reporter: %s" % ( self.external_id, self.issue_system_id, self.title, self.desc, self.created_at, self.updated_at, self.issue_type, self.priority, ','.join(self.affects_versions), ','.join(self.components), ','.join(self.labels), self.resolution, ','.join(self.fix_versions), self.assignee_id, str(self.issue_links), self.status, str(self.original_time_estimate), self.environment, self.creator_id, self.reporter_id )
[docs]class Event(Document): """ Event class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: issue_id, #external_id, (issue_id, -created_at) ShardKey: external_id, issue_id :property external_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) id that was assigned from the issue system to this event :property issue_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Issue` to which this event belongs :property created_at: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date when the event was created :property status: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) shows, what part of the issue was changed :property author_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` document that created the event :property old_value: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DynamicField`) value before the event happened :property new_value: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DynamicField`) value after the event happened """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'issue_id', ], 'shard_key': ('external_id', 'issue_id'), } # PK: external_id, issue_id # Shard Key: external_id, issue_id external_id = StringField(unique_with=['issue_id']) issue_id = ObjectIdField() created_at = DateTimeField() status = StringField(max_length=50) author_id = ObjectIdField() commit_id = ObjectIdField() old_value = DynamicField() new_value = DynamicField() def __str__(self): return "external_id: %s, issue_id: %s, created_at: %s, status: %s, author_id: %s, " \ "old_value: %s, new_value: %s, commit_id: %s" % ( self.external_id, self.issue_id, self.created_at, self.status, self.author_id, self.old_value, self.new_value, self.commit_id )
[docs]class IssueComment(Document): """ IssueComment class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: issue_id, #external_id, (issue_id, -created_at) ShardKey: external_id, issue_id :property external_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) id that was assigned from the issue system to this comment :property issue_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Issue` to which this event belongs :property created_at: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date when the event was created :property author_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) id of the :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` document that created the event :property comment: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) comment that was given """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'issue_id', ], 'shard_key': ('external_id', 'issue_id'), } external_id = StringField(unique_with=['issue_id']) issue_id = ObjectIdField() created_at = DateTimeField() author_id = ObjectIdField() comment = StringField() def __str__(self): return "external_id: %s, issue_id: %s, created_at: %s, author_id: %s, comment: %s" % ( self.external_id, self.issue_id, self.created_at, self.author_id, self.comment )
[docs]class VCSSystem(Document): """ VCSSystem class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: #url ShardKey: #url :property url: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) url to the repository :property project_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Project` id to which this vcs system belongs :property repository_type: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) type of the repository (e.g., git) :property last_updated: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date when the data in the database for this repository was last updates """ meta = { 'collection': 'vcs_system', 'indexes': [ '#url' ], 'shard_key': ('url', ), } # PK: url # Shard Key: hashed url url = StringField(required=True, unique=True) project_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) repository_type = StringField(required=True) last_updated = DateTimeField() submodules = ListField(ObjectIdField()) repository_file = FileField(collection_name='repository_data')
[docs]class VCSSubmodule(Document): """ VCSSubmodule class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: vcs_system_id ShardKey: vcs_system_id :property path: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) submodule path relative to the parent repository root :property project_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.VCSSystem` id of this submodule """ meta = { 'collection': 'vcs_submodule', 'indexes': [ 'vcs_system_id' ], 'shard_key': ('vcs_system_id', ), } # PK: vcs_system_id # Shard Key: vcs_system_id vcs_system_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) path = StringField(required=True)
[docs]class FileAction(Document): """ FileAction class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document` Index: #id, commit_id, (commit_id, file_id) ShardKey: #id :property file_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.File` id that was changed with this action :property commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Commit` id in which this change occured :property mode: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) type of file change (e.g., A for added) :property size_at_commit: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) size of the file at commit time :property lines_added: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) number of lines added :property lines_deleted: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) number of lines deleted :property is_binary: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.BooleanField`) shows, if file is binary :property old_file_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.File` id of the old file (if it was moved, none otherwise) :property induces: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField`) list of :class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField` contains change_file_action_id, label and lines of the changing commit to the inducing commit in this FileAction. """ meta = { 'indexes': [ '#id', 'commit_id', ('commit_id', 'file_id'), ], 'shard_key': ('id',), } # PK: file_id, commit_id # Shard Key: hashed id. Reasoning: The id is most likely the most queried part. Furthermore, a shard key consisting # of commit_id and file_id would be very bad. MODES = ('A', 'M', 'D', 'C', 'T', 'R') file_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) commit_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) mode = StringField(max_length=1, required=True, choices=MODES) parent_revision_hash = StringField(max_length=50) size_at_commit = IntField() lines_added = IntField() lines_deleted = IntField() is_binary = BooleanField() # old_file_id is only set, if we detected a copy or move operation old_file_id = ObjectIdField() induces = ListField(DictField())
[docs]class Hunk(Document): """ Hunk class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document`. See: Index: #file_action_id ShardKey: #file_action_id :property file_action_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.FileAction` id to which this hunk belongs :property new_start: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) start line of the new file :property new_lines: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) new line of the new file :property old_start: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) start line in the old file :property old_lines: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) old lines in the new file :property content: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) textual change :property lines_manual: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) for manual line labels for this hunk, contains information about the different labels of lines and the author, the author is the key and the value is a (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) of different label types and their belonging lines. Therefore, the key is the label type and the value is an array of line numbers :property lines_verified: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) the verified labels for the lines of the hunk. The key is the label and the value is an array of line numbers :property uncorrected_lines_manual: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) copy of uncorrected labels, temporary. Structure is the same as lines_manual """ meta = { 'indexes': [ '#file_action_id', ], 'shard_key': ('file_action_id',), } # PK: id # Shard Key: file_action_id. Reasoning: file_action_id is most likely often queried file_action_id = ObjectIdField() new_start = IntField(required=True) new_lines = IntField(required=True) old_start = IntField(required=True) old_lines = IntField(required=True) content = StringField(required=True) lines_manual = DictField() lines_verified = DictField() uncorrected_lines_manual = DictField()
[docs]class File(Document): """ File class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document`. Index: vcs_system_id ShardKey: path, vcs_system_id :property vcs_system_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.VCSSystem` id to which this file :property path: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) path of the file """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'vcs_system_id', ], 'shard_key': ('path', 'vcs_system_id',), } # PK: path, vcs_system_id # Shard Key: path, vcs_system_id vcs_system_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) path = StringField(max_length=300, required=True, unique_with=['vcs_system_id'])
[docs]class Tag(Document): """ Tag class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document`. Index: commit_id, name, (name, commit_id) ShardKey: name, commit_id :property vcs_system_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.VCSSystem` id to which this tag belongs :property name: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) name of the tag :property commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Commit` id to which this tag belongs :property message: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) message of the tagger (if applicable) :property tagger_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` id of the person that created the tag :property date: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date when the tag was created :property date_offset: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) offset for the date """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'commit_id', 'name', ('name', 'commit_id'), ], 'shard_key': ('name', 'commit_id'), } # PK: commit_id # Shard Key: hashed commit_id name = StringField(max_length=150, required=True, unique_with=['commit_id']) commit_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) vcs_system_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) message = StringField() tagger_id = ObjectIdField() date = DateTimeField() date_offset = IntField() def __eq__(self, other): return self.commit_id, == other.commit_id, def __hash__(self): return hash((self.commit_id,
[docs]class People(Document): """ People class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document`. ShardKey: email name :property email: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) email of the person :property name: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) name of the person :property username: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) username of the person """ meta = { 'shard_key': ('email', 'name',) } # PK: email, name # Shard Key: email, name email = StringField(max_length=150, required=True, unique_with=['name']) name = StringField(max_length=150, required=True) username = StringField(max_length=300) def __hash__(self): return hash( +
[docs]class Commit(Document): """ Commit class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document`. Index: vcs_system_id ShardKey: revision_hash, vcs_system_id :property vcs_system_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.VCSSystem` id to which this commit belongs :property revision_hash: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) revision hash for this commit :property branches: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`)) list of branches to which this commit belongs :property parents: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`)) list of parents (revision hashes) of this commit :property author_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` id of the person that authored this commit :property author_date: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date of the authored commit :property author_date_offset: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) offset for the author date :property committer_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.People` id of the person that comitted this commit :property committer_date: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) date of the committed commit :property committer_date_offset: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) offset for the committer date :property message: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) message of the commit :property linked_issue_ids: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`)) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Issue` ids linked to this commit :property code_entity_states: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`)) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.CodeEntityState` code entity states for this commit :property labels: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) dictionary of different labels for this commit, is_bugfix etc. :property validations: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`)) list of different validations on this commit :property fixed_issue_ids: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`)) verified :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Issue` ids linked to this commit :property szz_issue_ids: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`)) verified :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Issue` issues linked by the SZZ algorithm """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'vcs_system_id', ], 'shard_key': ('revision_hash', 'vcs_system_id'), } # PK: revision_hash, vcs_system_id # Shard Key: revision_hash, vcs_system_id vcs_system_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) revision_hash = StringField(max_length=50, required=True, unique_with=['vcs_system_id']) branches = ListField(StringField(max_length=500), null=True) parents = ListField(StringField(max_length=50)) author_id = ObjectIdField() author_date = DateTimeField() author_date_offset = IntField() committer_id = ObjectIdField() committer_date = DateTimeField() committer_date_offset = IntField() message = StringField() linked_issue_ids = ListField(ObjectIdField()) code_entity_states = ListField(ObjectIdField()) labels = DictField() validations = ListField(StringField(max_length=50)) fixed_issue_ids = ListField(ObjectIdField()) szz_issue_ids = ListField(ObjectIdField())
[docs]class Branch(Document): """ Branch class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document`. Index: vcs_system_id ShardKey: name, vcs_system_id :property vcs_system_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.VCSSystem` id to which this branch belongs :property commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) target commit of the branch (last commit on that branch) :property name: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) name of the branch :property is_origin_head: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.BooleanField`) if this branch is the default origin branch (usually master) """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'vcs_system_id', ], 'shard_key': ('name', 'vcs_system_id'), } # PK: name, vcs_system_id # Shard Key: name, vcs_system_id vcs_system_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) commit_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) name = StringField(max_length=500, required=True, unique_with=['vcs_system_id']) is_origin_head = BooleanField(required=True, default=False)
[docs]class Mutation(Document): meta = { 'shard_key': ('location', 'm_type', 'l_num'), } location = StringField(required=True, unique_with=['m_type', 'l_num']) m_type = StringField(required=True) l_num = IntField(required=True) classification = StringField(null=True) def __eq__(self, other): return self.m_type, self.location, self.l_num, self.classification == other.m_type, other.location, other.l_num, other.classification def __hash__(self): return hash((self.m_type, self.location, self.l_num, self.classification))
[docs]class MutationResult(EmbeddedDocument): mutation_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) num_calls = LongField() call_depth = LongField() result = StringField(required=True)
[docs]class TestState(Document): """ TestState class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document`. Index: name, commit_id, file_id ShardKey: shard_key name, commit_id, file_id :property name: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) name of the TestState, e.g. de.ugoe.cs.Class.blub :property commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Commit` id to which this state belongs :property file_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.File` id to which this state refers to :property metrics: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) metrics for the test state :property mutations: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of Mutations) with extra information about mutations """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'commit_id', ], 'shard_key': ('name', 'commit_id', 'file_id'), } # PK: long_name, commit_id, file_id # Shard Key: long_name, commit_id, file_id name = StringField(required=True, unique_with=['commit_id', 'file_id']) file_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) commit_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) execution_time = FloatField() metrics = DictField() mutation_res = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField(MutationResult), default=list)
[docs]class CommitChanges(Document): """ CommitChanges class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document`. Index: old_commit_id, new_commit_id ShardKey: id :property old_commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Commit` id to which this state belongs (older in revision system) :property new_commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Commit` id to which this state belongs (newer in revision system) :property classification: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) classification for the changes """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'old_commit_id', 'new_commit_id' ], 'shard_key': ('id', ), } # PK: old_commit_id, new_commit_id # Shard Key: id old_commit_id = ObjectIdField(required=True, unique_with=['new_commit_id']) new_commit_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) classification = DictField()
[docs]class CodeEntityState(Document): """ CodeEntityState class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document`. Index: s_key, commit_id, file_id ShardKey: shard_key (sha1 hash of long_name, commit_id, file_id) :property s_key: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) shard key (sha1 hash of long_name, commit_id and file_id), as they can get too long for the normal shard key :property long_name: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) long name of the code entity state (e.g., package1.package2.Class) :property commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Commit` id to which this state belongs :property file_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.File` id to which this state refers to :property linter: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField`) of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) refers to warning from linter. Has a line number and a type :property ce_parent_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.CodeEntityState` id which is the parent of this state :property cg_ids: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`)) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.CodeGroupState` ids to which this state belongs :property ce_type: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) type of this state (e.g., class) :property imports: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`)) list of imports of this code entity state :property start_line: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) line, where the code entity starts :property end_line: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) line, where the code entity ends :property start_column: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) column, where the code entity starts :property end_column: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) column, where the code entity ends :property metrics: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) dictionary of different metrics for this code entity state """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'commit_id', 'file_id', ], 'shard_key': ('s_key',) } # PK: long_name, commit_id, file_id # Shard Key: shard_key s_key = StringField(required=True, unique=True) long_name = StringField(required=True) commit_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) file_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) linter = ListField(DictField()) test_type = DictField() ce_parent_id = ObjectIdField() cg_ids = ListField(ObjectIdField()) ce_type = StringField() imports = ListField(StringField()) start_line = IntField() end_line = IntField() start_column = IntField() end_column = IntField() metrics = DictField() def __repr__(self): return "<CodeEntityState s_key:%s long_name:%s commit_id:%s file_id:%s test_type:%s ce_parent_id:%s " \ "cg_ids:%s ce_type:%s imports:%s start_line:%s end_line:%s start_column:%s end_column: %s metrics: %s>" % \ (self.s_key, self.long_name, self.commit_id, self.file_id, self.test_type, self.ce_parent_id, self.cg_ids, self.ce_type, self.imports, self.start_line, self.end_line, self.start_column, self.end_column, self.metrics) @staticmethod def calculate_identifier(long_name, commit_id, file_id): concat_string = long_name + str(commit_id) + str(file_id) return hashlib.sha1(concat_string.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() def identifier(self): return self.calculate_identifier(self.long_name, self.commit_id, self.file_id)
[docs]class CodeGroupState(Document): """ CodeGroupState class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document`. Index: s_key, commit_id ShardKey: shard_key (sha1 hash of long_name, commit_id) :property s_key: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) shard key (sha1 hash of long_name, commit_id), as they can get too long for the normal shard key :property long_name: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) long name of the code group state (e.g., package1.package2) :property commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Commit` id to which this state belongs :property cg_parent_ids: ((:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField` of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`)) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.CodeGroupState` ids which are the parent of this state :property cg_type: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) type of this state (e.g., package) :property metrics: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) dictionary of different metrics for this code group state """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'commit_id' ], 'shard_key': ('s_key',) } s_key = StringField(required=True, unique=True) long_name = StringField(require=True) commit_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) cg_parent_ids = ListField(ObjectIdField()) cg_type = StringField() metrics = DictField() @staticmethod def calculate_identifier(long_name, commit_id): concat_string = long_name + str(commit_id) return hashlib.sha1(concat_string.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() def identifier(self): return self.calculate_identifier(self.long_name, self.commit_id)
[docs]class CloneInstance(Document): """ CloneInstance class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document`. Index: commit_id, file_id ShardKey: name, commit_id, file_id :property name: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) name of the clone (e.g., C1220) :property commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Commit` id to which this clone instance belongs :property file_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.File` id to which this clone instance refers to :property start_line: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) line, where the code clone starts :property end_line: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) line, where the code clone ends :property start_column: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) column, where the code clone starts :property end_column: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.IntField`) column, where the code clone ends :property clone_class: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) class to which this clone instance belongs (e.g., C12) :property clone_instance_metrics: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) dictionary of different metrics for the clone instance :property clone_class_metrics: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) dictionary of different metrics for the clone class """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'commit_id', 'file_id' ], 'shard_key': ('name', 'commit_id', 'file_id'), } # PK: name, commit_id, file_id # Shard Key: name, commit_id, file_id name = StringField(required=True, unique_with=['commit_id', 'file_id']) commit_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) file_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) start_line = IntField(required=True) end_line = IntField(required=True) start_column = IntField(required=True) end_column = IntField(required=True) clone_instance_metrics = DictField(required=True) clone_class = StringField(required=True) clone_class_metrics = DictField(required=True)
[docs]class MynbouData(Document): """ MynbouData Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document`. Index: vcs_sytem_id ShardKey: name, vcs_system_id :property vcs_system_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.VCSSystem` id to which this clone instance belongs :property name: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) identifier of the product, e.g, the version 1.3 :property path_approach: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) name of the approach used for detecting the path for labeling :property metric_approach: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) name of the approach used for metric creation and aggregation :property bugfix_label: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.StringField`) name of the commit label that is used to determine bug-fixing commits. :property file: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.FileField`) JSON File containing the product. :property last_updated: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DateTimeField`) time of creation of this product """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'vcs_system_id' ], 'shard_key': ('name', 'vcs_system_id'), } # PK: name, vcs_system_id, path_approach, bugfix_label, metrics_approach # Shard Key: name, vcs_system_id vcs_system_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) name = StringField(required=True, unique_with=['vcs_system_id', 'path_approach', 'bugfix_label', 'metric_approach']) path_approach = StringField(required=True) bugfix_label = StringField(required=True) metric_approach = StringField(required=True) file = FileField() last_updated = DateTimeField(default=None)
[docs]class StaticWarning(Document): """ StaticWarning class. Inherits from :class:`mongoengine.Document`. Holds multiple linter results, e.g., PMD_6.2 including line number, warning type and warning message. Format [{'version': 'PMD_6.2', 'ln': 15, 'l_ty': 'UEO', 'msg': 'Unused something'}] Index: commit_id, file_id :property commit_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.Commit` id to which this state belongs :property file_id: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ObjectIdField`) :class:`~pycoshark.mongomodels.File` id to which this state refers to :property linter: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.ListField`) of (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) refers to warning from linter. :property metrics: (:class:`~mongoengine.fields.DictField`) dictionary of additional metrics, e.g., LLoC """ meta = { 'indexes': [ 'commit_id', 'file_id', ], 'shard_key': ('commit_id', 'file_id'), } commit_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) file_id = ObjectIdField(required=True) linter = ListField(DictField()) metrics = DictField()