1. API Documentation

1.1. Models

class pycoshark.mongomodels.Branch(*args, **values)[source]

Branch class.

Inherits from mongoengine.Document.

Index: vcs_system_id

ShardKey: name, vcs_system_id

Property vcs_system_id

(ObjectIdField) VCSSystem id to which this branch belongs

Property commit_id

(ObjectIdField) target commit of the branch (last commit on that branch)

Property name

(StringField) name of the branch

Property is_origin_head

(BooleanField) if this branch is the default origin branch (usually master)

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.CloneInstance(*args, **values)[source]

CloneInstance class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document.

Index: commit_id, file_id

ShardKey: name, commit_id, file_id

Property name

(StringField) name of the clone (e.g., C1220)

Property commit_id

(ObjectIdField) Commit id to which this clone instance belongs

Property file_id

(ObjectIdField) File id to which this clone instance refers to

Property start_line

(IntField) line, where the code clone starts

Property end_line

(IntField) line, where the code clone ends

Property start_column

(IntField) column, where the code clone starts

Property end_column

(IntField) column, where the code clone ends

Property clone_class

(StringField) class to which this clone instance belongs (e.g., C12)

Property clone_instance_metrics

(DictField) dictionary of different metrics for the clone instance

Property clone_class_metrics

(DictField) dictionary of different metrics for the clone class

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.CodeEntityState(*args, **values)[source]

CodeEntityState class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document.

Index: s_key, commit_id, file_id

ShardKey: shard_key (sha1 hash of long_name, commit_id, file_id)

Property s_key

(StringField) shard key (sha1 hash of long_name, commit_id and file_id), as they can get too long for the normal shard key

Property long_name

(StringField) long name of the code entity state (e.g., package1.package2.Class)

Property commit_id

(ObjectIdField) Commit id to which this state belongs

Property file_id

(ObjectIdField) File id to which this state refers to

Property linter

(ListField) of (DictField) refers to warning from linter. Has a line number and a type

Property ce_parent_id

(ObjectIdField) CodeEntityState id which is the parent of this state

Property cg_ids

((ListField of (ObjectIdField)) CodeGroupState ids to which this state belongs

Property ce_type

(StringField) type of this state (e.g., class)

Property imports

((ListField of (StringField)) list of imports of this code entity state

Property start_line

(IntField) line, where the code entity starts

Property end_line

(IntField) line, where the code entity ends

Property start_column

(IntField) column, where the code entity starts

Property end_column

(IntField) column, where the code entity ends

Property metrics

(DictField) dictionary of different metrics for this code entity state

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.CodeGroupState(*args, **values)[source]

CodeGroupState class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document.

Index: s_key, commit_id

ShardKey: shard_key (sha1 hash of long_name, commit_id)

Property s_key

(StringField) shard key (sha1 hash of long_name, commit_id), as they can get too long for the normal shard key

Property long_name

(StringField) long name of the code group state (e.g., package1.package2)

Property commit_id

(ObjectIdField) Commit id to which this state belongs

Property cg_parent_ids

((ListField of (ObjectIdField)) CodeGroupState ids which are the parent of this state

Property cg_type

(StringField) type of this state (e.g., package)

Property metrics

(DictField) dictionary of different metrics for this code group state

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.Commit(*args, **values)[source]

Commit class.

Inherits from mongoengine.Document.

Index: vcs_system_id

ShardKey: revision_hash, vcs_system_id

Property vcs_system_id

(ObjectIdField) VCSSystem id to which this commit belongs

Property revision_hash

(StringField) revision hash for this commit

Property branches

((ListField of (StringField)) list of branches to which this commit belongs

Property parents

((ListField of (StringField)) list of parents (revision hashes) of this commit

Property author_id

(ObjectIdField) People id of the person that authored this commit

Property author_date

(DateTimeField) date of the authored commit

Property author_date_offset

(IntField) offset for the author date

Property committer_id

(ObjectIdField) People id of the person that comitted this commit

Property committer_date

(DateTimeField) date of the committed commit

Property committer_date_offset

(IntField) offset for the committer date

Property message

(StringField) message of the commit

Property linked_issue_ids

((ListField of (ObjectIdField)) Issue ids linked to this commit

Property code_entity_states

((ListField of (ObjectIdField)) CodeEntityState code entity states for this commit

Property labels

(DictField) dictionary of different labels for this commit, is_bugfix etc.

Property validations

((ListField of (StringField)) list of different validations on this commit

Property fixed_issue_ids

((ListField of (ObjectIdField)) verified Issue ids linked to this commit

Property szz_issue_ids

((ListField of (ObjectIdField)) verified Issue issues linked by the SZZ algorithm

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.CommitChanges(*args, **values)[source]

CommitChanges class.

Inherits from mongoengine.Document.

Index: old_commit_id, new_commit_id

ShardKey: id

Property old_commit_id

(ObjectIdField) Commit id to which this state belongs (older in revision system)

Property new_commit_id

(ObjectIdField) Commit id to which this state belongs (newer in revision system)

Property classification

(DictField) classification for the changes

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.Event(*args, **values)[source]

Event class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: issue_id, #external_id, (issue_id, -created_at)

ShardKey: external_id, issue_id

Property external_id

(StringField) id that was assigned from the issue system to this event

Property issue_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the Issue to which this event belongs

Property created_at

(DateTimeField) date when the event was created

Property status

(StringField) shows, what part of the issue was changed

Property author_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the People document that created the event

Property old_value

(DynamicField) value before the event happened

Property new_value

(DynamicField) value after the event happened

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.File(*args, **values)[source]

File class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document.

Index: vcs_system_id

ShardKey: path, vcs_system_id

Property vcs_system_id

(ObjectIdField) VCSSystem id to which this file

Property path

(StringField) path of the file

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.FileAction(*args, **values)[source]

FileAction class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: #id, commit_id, (commit_id, file_id)

ShardKey: #id

Property file_id

(ObjectIdField) File id that was changed with this action

Property commit_id

(ObjectIdField) Commit id in which this change occured

Property mode

(StringField) type of file change (e.g., A for added)

Property size_at_commit

(IntField) size of the file at commit time

Property lines_added

(IntField) number of lines added

Property lines_deleted

(IntField) number of lines deleted

Property is_binary

(BooleanField) shows, if file is binary

Property old_file_id

(ObjectIdField) File id of the old file (if it was moved, none otherwise)

Property induces

(ListField) list of DictField contains change_file_action_id, label and lines of the changing commit to the inducing commit in this FileAction.

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.Hunk(*args, **values)[source]

Hunk class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diff_utility#Unified_format

Index: #file_action_id

ShardKey: #file_action_id

Property file_action_id

(ObjectIdField) FileAction id to which this hunk belongs

Property new_start

(IntField) start line of the new file

Property new_lines

(IntField) new line of the new file

Property old_start

(IntField) start line in the old file

Property old_lines

(IntField) old lines in the new file

Property content

(StringField) textual change

Property lines_manual

(DictField) for manual line labels for this hunk, contains information about the different labels of lines and the author, the author is the key and the value is a (DictField) of different label types and their belonging lines. Therefore, the key is the label type and the value is an array of line numbers

Property lines_verified

(DictField) the verified labels for the lines of the hunk. The key is the label and the value is an array of line numbers

Property uncorrected_lines_manual

(DictField) copy of uncorrected labels, temporary. Structure is the same as lines_manual

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.Identity(*args, **values)[source]
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.Issue(*args, **values)[source]

Issue class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: external_id, issue_system_id

ShardKey: external_id, issue_system_id

Property external_id

(StringField) id that was assigned from the issue system to this issue

Property issue_system_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the IssueSystem to which this issue belongs

Property title

(StringField) title of the issue

Property desc

(StringField) description of the issue

Property created_at

(DateTimeField) date, when this issue was created

Property updated_at

(DateTimeField) date, when this issue was last updated

Property creator_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the People document which created this issue

Property reporter_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the People document which reported this issue

Property issue_type

(StringField) type of the issue

Property priority

(StringField) priority of the issue

Property status

(StringField) status of the issue

Property affects_versions

((ListField of (StringField)) list of affected versions by this issue

Property components

((ListField of (StringField)) list, which componenets are affected

Property labels

((ListField of (StringField)) list of labels for this issue

Property issue_type_manual

(DictField) for manual issue types for this issue, contains information about the issue_type and the author, the author is the key and the issue_type is the value

Property issue_type_verified

(StringField) verified issue_type of the issue; source is manual issue types

Property resolution

(StringField) resolution for this issue

Property fix_versions

((ListField of (StringField)) list of versions on which this issue is fixed

Property assignee_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the People document to which this issue was assigned

Property issue_links

((ListField of (DictField)) to which this issue is linked

Property parent_issue_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the Issue document that is the parent of this issue

Property original_time_estimate

(IntField) estimated time to solve this issue

Property environment

(StringField) environment that is affected by this issue

Property platform

(StringField) platform that is affected by this issue

Property is_pull_request

(BoleanField) true if this issue is a pull request, Github issues can be pull requests

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.IssueComment(*args, **values)[source]

IssueComment class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: issue_id, #external_id, (issue_id, -created_at)

ShardKey: external_id, issue_id

Property external_id

(StringField) id that was assigned from the issue system to this comment

Property issue_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the Issue to which this event belongs

Property created_at

(DateTimeField) date when the event was created

Property author_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the People document that created the event

Property comment

(StringField) comment that was given

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.IssueSystem(*args, **values)[source]

IssueSystem class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: #url

ShardKey: url

Property project_id

(ObjectIdField) Project id to which the issue system belongs

Property url

(StringField) url to the issue system

Property last_updated

(DateTimeField) date when the data of the mailing list was last updated in the database

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.MailingList(*args, **values)[source]

MailingList class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: #name

ShardKey: name

Property project_id

(ObjectIdField) Project id id to which the mailing list belongs

Property name

(StringField) name of the mailing list

Property last_updated

(DateTimeField) date when the data of the mailing list was last updated in the database

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.Message(*args, **values)[source]

Message class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: message_id

ShardKey: message_id, mailing_list_id

Property message_id

(StringField) id of the message (worldwide unique)

Property mailing_list_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the MailingList to which the message belongs

Property reference_ids

((ListField of (ObjectIdField)) id to messages that are referenced by this message

Property in_reply_to_id

(ObjectIdField) id of a message to which this message is a reply

Property from_id

(ObjectIdField) id of a person People from which this message is

Property to_ids

((ListField of (ObjectIdField)) ids of persons People to which this message was sent

Property cc_ids

((ListField of (ObjectIdField)) ids of persons People to which this message was sent (cc)

Property subject

(StringField) subject of the message

Property body

(StringField) message text

Property date

(DateTimeField) date when the message was sent

Property patches

((ListField of (StringField)) if patches were applied to the message

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.Mutation(*args, **values)[source]
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.MutationResult(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class pycoshark.mongomodels.MynbouData(*args, **values)[source]

Inherits from mongoengine.Document.

Index: vcs_sytem_id

ShardKey: name, vcs_system_id

Property vcs_system_id

(ObjectIdField) VCSSystem id to which this clone instance belongs

Property name

(StringField) identifier of the product, e.g, the version 1.3

Property path_approach

(StringField) name of the approach used for detecting the path for labeling

Property metric_approach

(StringField) name of the approach used for metric creation and aggregation

Property bugfix_label

(StringField) name of the commit label that is used to determine bug-fixing commits.

Property file

(FileField) JSON File containing the product.

Property last_updated

(DateTimeField) time of creation of this product

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.People(*args, **values)[source]

People class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document.

ShardKey: email name

Property email

(StringField) email of the person

Property name

(StringField) name of the person

Property username

(StringField) username of the person

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.Project(*args, **values)[source]

Project class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: #name

ShardKey: name

Property name

(StringField) name of the project

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequest(*args, **values)[source]

PullRequest class.

Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: pull_request_system_id

ShardKey: external_id, pull_request_system_id

Property pull_request_system_id

(ObjectIdField) PullRequestSystem id of the system to which the pull request belongs

Property external_id

(StringField) number of the pull request

Property title

(StringField) title of the pull request

Property description

(StringField) description of the pull request

:property is_draft (BooleanField) true if this pull request is a draft :property is_locked (BooleanField) true if this pull request is locked :property lock_reason: (StringField) reason for the locking :property author_association: (StringField) github author association, e.g., owner, NONE, collaborator

Property created_at

(DateTimeField) date, when this pr was created

Property updated_at

(DateTimeField) date, when this pr was updated

Property merged_at

(DateTimeField) date, when this pr was merged

Property merge_commit_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the Commit

Property creator_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the People author of the pr

Property assignee_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the People assignee of the pr

Property linked_user_ids

(ListField of ObjectIdField of the People) list of linked user ids

Property requested_reviewer_ids

(ListField of ObjectIdField of the People) list of requested reviewer ids

Property state

(StringField) state of the pr

Property labels

(ListField of StringField list of labels for this pr

Property source_repo_url

(StringField) source repository of this pr, can be a fork

Property source_branch

(StringField) source branch of this pr

Property source_commit_sha

(StringField) source commit sha of this pr

Property source_commit_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the Commit commit id if available in local VCSSystem

Property target_repo_url

(StringField) target repository of this pr, should be our VCSSystem

Property target_branch

(StringField) target branch of this pr

Property target_commit_sha

(StringField) target commit sha of this pr

Property target_commit_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the Commit commit id if available in local VCSSystem

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequestComment(*args, **values)[source]

PullRequestComment class.

These comments are fetched via the issues api endpoint for github.

Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: pull_request_id

ShardKey: external_id, pull_request_id

Property pull_request_id

(ObjectIdField) PullRequest id to which the pull request commit belongs

Property external_id

(StringField) number of the comment

Property created_at

(DateTimeField) date, when this comment was created

Property updated_at

(DateTimeField) date, when this comment was updated

Property author_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the People author of commit

Property comment

(StringField) text of the comment

Property author_association

(StringField) github author association, e.g., owner, NONE, collaborator

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequestCommit(*args, **values)[source]

PullRequestCommit class.

We have this extra class because not every PullRequestCommit is a Commit in our collection. Sometimes, the source of the PullRequestCommit is the source repository of the pull request, i.e. a fork of our VCSSystem.

Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: pull_request_id

ShardKey: commit_sha, pull_request_id

Property pull_request_id

(ObjectIdField) PullRequest id to which the pull request commit belongs

Property author_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the People author of commit

Property committer_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the People committer of commit

Property message

(StringField) commit message

Property commit_id

(ObjectIdField) Commit id to which the pull request commit links, only if it is in our repository

Property commit_sha

(StringField) commit_sha of the commit, could be the hash from the source repo of the pull request

Property commit_repo_url

(StringField) url of the repository of the commit

Property parents

((ListField of (StringField)) list of parents (revision hashes) of this commit

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequestEvent(*args, **values)[source]

PullRequestEvent class.

These events are fetched via the issues api endpoint for github.

Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: pull_request_id

ShardKey: external_id, pull_request_id

Property pull_request_id

(ObjectIdField) PullRequest id to which the pull request commit belongs

Property external_id

(StringField) number of the event

Property created_at

(DateTimeField) date, when this event was created

Property author_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the People author of commit

Property commit_id

(ObjectIdField) Commit id to which the pull request event links, only if it is in our repository

Property commit_sha

(StringField) commit_sha of the commit

Property commit_repo_url

(StringField) url of the repository of the commit

Property event_type

(StringField) event type name

Property additional_data

(DictField) additional data from the backend not common for all event types

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequestFile(*args, **values)[source]

PullRequestFile class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document

The current set of Files associated with the pull request. The PullRequestReviewComment has its own path for a file, however this may link to an older file no longer present in the current HEAD of the pull request.

Index: pull_request_id

ShardKey: path, sha, pull_request_id

Property pull_request_id

(ObjectIdField) PullRequest id to which the pull request file belongs

Property sha

(StringField) sha hash, maybe file hash (only present if a file is changed, not for changing rights)

Property path

(StringField) filename

Property status

(StringField) status (e.g., added)

Property additions

(IntField) added lines

Property deletions

(IntField) deleted lines

Property changes

(IntField) changed lines

Property patch

(StringField) diff hunk of the change

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequestReview(*args, **values)[source]

PullRequestReview class.

Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: pull_request_id

ShardKey: external_id, pull_request_id

Property pull_request_id

(ObjectIdField) PullRequest id to which the pull request review belongs

Property external_id

(StringField) number of the review

Property state

(StringField) state of the pull request review

Property description

(StringField) body of the pull request review

Property creator_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the People author of review

Property submitted_at

(DateTimeField) date, when this review was submitted

Property author_association

(StringField) github author association, e.g., owner, NONE, collaborator

Property commit_sha

(StringField) commit sha

Property pull_request_commit_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the PullRequestCommit pull request commit id (if available)

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequestReviewComment(*args, **values)[source]

PullRequestReviewComment class.

These are comments on pull requests. They link to PullRequestCommits if they are available. The path and diff_hunk can be the same as a PullRequestFile, however that is not always the case as PullRequestFile are only the currently active PullRequestFiles and the PullRequestReviewComment may reference an older commit.

Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: pull_request_review_id

ShardKey: external_id, pull_request_review_id

Property pull_request_review_id

(ObjectIdField) PullRequestReview id to which the pull request review comment belongs

Property external_id

(StringField) number of the review comment

Property comment

(StringField) text of the comment

Property author_association

(StringField) github author association, e.g., owner, NONE, collaborator

Property in_reply_to_id

(ObjectIdField) PullRequestReviewComment id which the pull request review comment replies to (if any)

Property creator_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the People author of comment

Property created_at

(DateTimeField) date, when this comment was created

Property updated_at

(DateTimeField) date, when this comment was updated

Property path

(StringField) file which this comment refers to

Property diff_hunk

(StringField) diff which this comment refers to

Property position

(IntField) position in the file this comment refers to

Property original_position

(IntField) original position in the file this comment refers to (deleted line instead of added line)

Property commit_sha

(StringField) commit sha

Property original_commit_sha

(StringField) parent commit sha

Property pull_request_commit_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the PullRequestCommit pull request commit id (if available)

Property original_pull_request_commit_id

(ObjectIdField) id of the PullRequestCommit pull request commit id (if available)

Property start_line

(IntField) position in the file this comment refers to (new)

Property original_start_line

(IntField) position in the file this comment refers to (new)

Property start_side

(StringField) position in the diff editor LEFT/RIGHT for deleted or added

Property line

(IntField) position in the file this comment refers to (new)

Property original_line

(IntField) position in the file this comment refers to (new)

Property side

(StringField) position in the diff editor LEFT/RIGHT for deleted or added

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.PullRequestSystem(*args, **values)[source]

PullRequestSystem class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: #url

ShardKey: url

Property project_id

(ObjectIdField) Project id to which the pull request system belongs

Property url

(StringField) url to the pull request system

Property last_updated

(DateTimeField) date when the data of the pull request system was last updated in the database

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.Refactoring(*args, **values)[source]

Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Property ce_state

(DictField) The code entity state of changed enteties in the current commit.

Property commit_id

(ObjectIdField) Commit id in which this refactoring occured

Property description

(StringField) The description of the refactoring provided by RefDiff.

Property parent_commit_ce_states

((ListField of (DictField)) The code entity states of changed enteties in the parent commits.

Property type

(StringField) Name of the refactoring type.

Property detection_tool

(StringField) The refactoring detection tool, e.g., refdiff or rminer.

Property hunks

((ListField of (DictField)) The hunks that were detected.

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.StaticWarning(*args, **values)[source]

StaticWarning class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document.

Holds multiple linter results, e.g., PMD_6.2 including line number, warning type and warning message. Format [{‘version’: ‘PMD_6.2’, ‘ln’: 15, ‘l_ty’: ‘UEO’, ‘msg’: ‘Unused something’}]

Index: commit_id, file_id

Property commit_id

(ObjectIdField) Commit id to which this state belongs

Property file_id

(ObjectIdField) File id to which this state refers to

Property linter

(ListField) of (DictField) refers to warning from linter.

Property metrics

(DictField) dictionary of additional metrics, e.g., LLoC

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.Tag(*args, **values)[source]

Tag class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document.

Index: commit_id, name, (name, commit_id)

ShardKey: name, commit_id

Property vcs_system_id

(ObjectIdField) VCSSystem id to which this tag belongs

Property name

(StringField) name of the tag

Property commit_id

(ObjectIdField) Commit id to which this tag belongs

Property message

(StringField) message of the tagger (if applicable)

Property tagger_id

(ObjectIdField) People id of the person that created the tag

Property date

(DateTimeField) date when the tag was created

Property date_offset

(IntField) offset for the date

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.TestState(*args, **values)[source]

TestState class.

Inherits from mongoengine.Document.

Index: name, commit_id, file_id

ShardKey: shard_key name, commit_id, file_id

Property name

(StringField) name of the TestState, e.g. de.ugoe.cs.Class.blub

Property commit_id

(ObjectIdField) Commit id to which this state belongs

Property file_id

(ObjectIdField) File id to which this state refers to

Property metrics

(DictField) metrics for the test state

Property mutations

((ListField of Mutations) with extra information about mutations

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.TravisBuild(*args, **values)[source]
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.TravisJob(*args, **values)[source]
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.VCSSubmodule(*args, **values)[source]

VCSSubmodule class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: vcs_system_id

ShardKey: vcs_system_id

Property path

(StringField) submodule path relative to the parent repository root

Property project_id

(ObjectIdField) VCSSystem id of this submodule

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class pycoshark.mongomodels.VCSSystem(*args, **values)[source]

VCSSystem class. Inherits from mongoengine.Document

Index: #url

ShardKey: #url

Property url

(StringField) url to the repository

Property project_id

(ObjectIdField) Project id to which this vcs system belongs

Property repository_type

(StringField) type of the repository (e.g., git)

Property last_updated

(DateTimeField) date when the data in the database for this repository was last updates

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned